Welcome, young champions!
Are you ready to join our team on an exciting journey to make a real difference in helping others? We invite you to become a Youth Ambassador Pit Crew Member for Race For Kids!
Race For Kids is all about creating a world where every child has the opportunity to succeed. As a Youth Ambassador Pit Crew Member, you'll step into the spotlight as leaders, advocates and changemakers, spreading positivity and making a lasting impact on the world around you.
What exactly does it mean to be a Youth Ambassador Pit Crew Member?
o Passionate
o Ignite Hope
o Team Work
o Create Change
o Respectful
o Empower Other
o Win Together!
Together, we'll race towards a brighter future where every child feels valued, every dream is within reach, and every community thrives in harmony.
So, are you ready to put your helmet on, buckle into your seat, and join us on this incredible journey? Sign up today and let's race towards a better world, one lap at a time!